I was in a 'workout rut' and I took about a month off from my normal P90X routine. That was a welcomed reprieve. I was able to hit the ground running again on a new round. I am feeling renewed and rejuvenated in my workouts - the break was just what I needed.
The hubby and I have been doing all kinds of Fall/Winter projects around the house - feeling inspired by all our friends who were fixing up their homes to prepare to put them on the market - I thought what a shame to do all that work, getting their house in beautiful condition and then not be able to enjoy it, so we set out to just do all those same things to our home, but just for us to enjoy and keep - no plans to leave any time soon! It's been fun... painting, cleaning and fixing all those little things that pile up. And... my house is looking gorgeous for the holidays! Bonus!

I've also been cooking - trying out all kinds of 'Clean Eating' recipes. I have a few to share that have been our favorites! I'll try to get those posted this weekend. If they're not there, please check back in a day or so.
It's a busy time of year for everyone. Don't forget to enjoy the Season and remember what's it's all about.
Merry Christmas!
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